The NCS can offer something of real value to you! Joining is easy. It can be done online on this website by clicking "JOIN US" on the drop down menu. Either print off an application form, complete it and send it together with a cheque to the National Secretary (address on the bottom of the form) or join online and pay either by cheque or PayPal.
Whether you are:-
A non-breeding pet owner of chinchillas, you receive the NCS Gazette, printed every other month throughout the year. This contains lots of interesting articles, not just around exhibiting, but also around husbandry and care of these precious animals. Even if not interested in exhibiting (at least at present), many pet owners wish to keep their chinchillas happy, healthy and looking as well as they can, and the principles of show preparation are literally perfect in achieving these aims.
Access to attend regional shows to discuss chinchilla with other knowledgeable owners and breeders at the frequent events is literally priceless. There are other routes to discuss chinchilla – some of them giving more immediate results, but there is nothing quite like a face-to-face discussion with several highly experienced owners and breeders . Nobody knows everything about chins (and like everything else in life, not everyone will agree on how best to do things), but when you find lots of people together in a room, the opportunity to improve your knowledge can be endless.
A breeder of pets for fun, the NCS offers endless education and training in keeping your chins happy, healthy, and as beautiful as can be! Again there is the Gazette, and also the access to a network of other owners and breeders. The shows also offer all chinchilla keepers of all levels of experience an opportunity to find out the qualities of their chinchillas, and to ‘breed better’, not just for the show table, but for all round healthy animals…
The NCS strives for sustainable high quality in the chinchilla, and no matter if you currently only breed for fun, the NCS offers opportunity to do what you do now, even better, for the good of the chinchilla.
A breeder aiming to improve the chinchilla, the NCS is the place to be. “If you do something, you might as well do it well”. This applies to the chinchilla – if you are going to keep them, look after them to the best of your abilities. If you are going to breed them, do so by producing the best kits you can, from a health, welfare and quality perspective.
All chinchillas cost roughly the same to feed and care for, so if you choose to breed them, why not try to breed beautiful, healthy animals with what is the finest fur in the world! The shows are here to help you with this, and the camaraderie and competition is great at encouraging you to improve your chinchillas as a breed, and also a great place to see beautiful, inspiring chinchillas first hand!

Membership of the Society enables you to attend all NCS events and enter your chinchillas in all our shows.
The Society publishes 5 gazettes a year. These are included in the price of the membership fee. The Gazette contains details of forthcoming shows and events, the results of the shows along with the Judges reports, plus lots of interesting articles on husbandry and care, NCS news and show preparation.
Members can write in and inform each other of new ideas or developments and ask or answer each others questions. There are informative articles on Chinchilla keeping, breeding, health and showing from various points of view. Also included are handy tips and helpful hints, plus lots of other items that go towards producing an unsurpassed wealth of knowledge about chinchillas.